Technical information on project GeORG

Seismic Interpretation with SeisVision

One of the main objectives o the project is the implementation of a transborder digital database and the development of a three-dimension computer model. The partners will mainly rely on the following software for these developments.
  • the geographic information systems (GIS) of the partners (e.g. ArcGIS and MapInfo)
  • specific seismic treatment software (Seisvision)
  • 3D modeling software (Gocad)
  • Database technologies (Oracle, PostgreSQL)
  • Internet technologies (ZopeCMS, UMN Mapserver)
The storage of geological data will take into account current OGC standards and the European INSPIRE directive or its national implementations.

Transcending borders with every project
This project is co-financed by the European Union EFRE
European Regional Development Fund